Knightmare Lexicon - A Knightmare Encyclopædia

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1. Nuclear Power!
Solidarity chant of the Knightmare RPG group, usually accompanied by a claw-hand gesture. This was apparently derived from a scene in D'Oh-in In The Wind, an episode from Season 10 (1998) of American sitcom The Simpsons, in which Mr. Burns frustratedly reminds Homer Simpson of the nature of his power plant, and is duly imitated by Homer in his delivery of "Nuclear power!" and his hand posture.

The photograph below shows several of the RPG Season 5 (2003) attendees enacting "Nuclear Power!" in unison. The custom declined in popularity over subsequent years.

 [Related Image]

The most recent photograph known to exist of a group Nuclear Power! pose was taken at a meetup of Knightmare fans in July 2011.

See also: Lightbulb Wattage!

[Previous versions: 2008-10-26 20:45:40, 2004-11-17 18:05:07]

Provided By: David, 2011-11-06 22:17:17
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